what is defference between lcd and led?

ANSWER :  LED is light emiting diode LCD is Licquid Cristal display . LCD is advanced technology over LED. LCD TVs are very costly compared to LED

ANSWER:lcd-liquid crystal display and led is light emitting diode. there differences are that led is used for elimination-eg; decorative bulb and lcd is the screen of the tv
Answer : LCD stands for liquid crystal display. The technology uses tiny cells that are used to open and close shutters. As the shutters are opened, light can pass through them. In a television, the cells are arrange in groups of three, with a red, a green and a blue filter. An LCD television needs a light source behind the display screen and this has traditionally been several fluorescent tubes. 2009 saw the introduction of white LED arrays as a light source rather than fluorescent tubes. The LED technology allows for more efficient lighting and thinner cases for the televisions but the display technology itself is unchanged. Confusingly, there is now a small but growing selection of LED televisions that do not use LCD at all. These models feature a red, a green and a blue light emitting diode for each pixel of the image. The image is created by the LEDs glowing at varying intensities and so they do not need any kind of back light. This same technology is used in large arena and open air displays but only now is it becoming practical to produce compact LED arrays of a size to suit domestic size displays. True LED televisions are in their infancy in 2010 but we can expect the technology to mature over the coming years and it is likely that they will become the dominant display technology in the coming years

Answer:                                                              LCD is the old technology and LED is the new technology LED provides picture clarity/thin screen but if you are watching a fast live motion picture like a cricket or foodball match you will feel a bit uneasy and strange.

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