how does make money?
how do websites like moneycontrol or other stockmarket review websites make money what is its business model ANSWER TO THE ABOVE QUESTION Well moneycontrol is a content based website in the sense that it does not sell any products, but it provides news, information etc. I will tell you how a popular content based website with a huge user base can make money. They may or may not follow the below ways but these are the possible ways. 1. They can run third party ads like google adsense 2. They can charge customers directly for ads on their website. 3. Any new company starting a business would like advertise with the famous websites. So they approach these websites for brand promotion. This is called brand awarness campaign. 4. If they have good registered user base, they can conduct surveys. Information generated from such surveys is very useful to companies who want to find prospective customers. So they can sell the survey results without disclosing the user personal information. This is how any big content based website make money.
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